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contoh kalimat blow in

"blow in" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Princess, your behind is blowing in the wind.
    Putri, Anda di belakang adalah hembusan angin dalam.
  • Suspect three delivered the killing blow in both cases.
    Tersangka ketiga melepaskan serangan mematikan dikedua kasus.
  • There's a huge storm blowing in any minute now.
    Ada badai besar bertiup di setiap menit.
  • This doesn't mean you can blow in my ear.
    Ini tak berarti kau boleh berisik.
  • Princess, your behind is blowing in the wind.
    Putri, Kamu di belakang yang tertiup angin.
  • That was the hardest blow in the fight!
    Itu adalah pukulan2 terhebat dlm pertandingan ini!
  • Well, look what the wind blew in
    Yah, lihat apa yang masuk angin bertiup ..
  • But at the moment the door to my bunker blew in
    Tapi ketika pintu bunker itu diledakkan
  • It's gonna blow in less than a minute.
    Akan meledak dalam waktu kurang dari semenit.
  • I think it's blown in here from the East.
    Aku pikir itu ditiup di sini dari Timur.
  • "Hello.. you are making me get blown in your thoughts."
    "Halo .. Anda meniup pikiran saya. "
  • The storm is blowing in faster than I thought. - Yes.
    Kuat badai ide dewa.
  • Was nearing lieutenant when this shit blew in.
    hampir mendekati letnan ketika semua sampah in i terjadi.
  • The gases were blown in a southeasterly direction over Bhopal.
    Gas-gas tersebut tertiup ke arah tenggara Bhopal.
  • Well, You blew in the wrong place.
    Nah, Anda meledak di tempat yang salah.
  • You could just call me a tumbleweed blowing in the wind.
    Kau bisa menyebutku daun yang tertiup angin.
  • Look! The wind's still blowing in from the west.
    Angin masih bertiup dari barat.
  • Blew in in the middle of the Mongolian desert?
    Kecelakaan di padang gurun Mongol?
  • A hard blow in a hard way.
    Suatu pukulan keras dengan cara yang keras.
  • We're expecting another snowstorm blowing in sometime tomorrow afternoon.
    Dan diramalkan badai salju lainnya akan melanda besok sore.
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